Saturday, March 3, 2012

Toy Swords and Real Autism Blogs Continued

I bought Riley a styrofoam toy sword for his birthday. He loves it. There is some gene that males carry that make them instinctually know what to do with a sword bc I haven't taught him how to sword fight but somehow he just knows.

Anyway, I went to get Riley out of the tub which he hates. He did his usual waving of his chubby little arms and wailing as I reached for him. Then I saw this spark in his eye as he remembered his sword. He shot to the side really quick and grasped his sword lifting it up in front of him at me triumphantly and swinging it around. Like the sword was going to fend me off. So cute.

Also, a note on my last blog. I did find some autism blogs that read like the real thing. They are not all parents of high functioning kids with few frustrations who are preparing themselves for canonization. Some of them are helpful and tell it like it is. Which is more comforting, you know, to read how a parent struggled with something but you read a later entry and they finally found a solution for themselves.

Some autism blogs are so fakity-fake, I wonder if it's more of a munchausen blog than an autism one. Seriously, if your kid talks and is in the regular classroom, what are your concerns? Your kid has blended! I don't see how that can still qualify as autism. Maybe you are one of those misdiagnosed cases I am always hearing about.

That is just me venting my frustrations and maybe a little jealousy for those high functioning types.

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