Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What Plastic Barbie Doll Ranks These Things Anyway?

I don't want to be a complete bitch here but then again why change the tone of this blog now? haha. But seriously folks, I have been asking myself lately what makes a good autism blog. I went to Google with my question. That is when I learned that for one thing, good bloggers proofread so that's the first place I am messing up. But then I was disgusted to find out the the blogs with the most followers and highest ratings are upbeat, humorous, and pleasant.

Now, personally, I think those are a hell of a restraint when we are blogging about our children's disabilities. I feel pressure from society, as a blogger, to always write about the bright side of a topic that for the affected parent is PAINFUL. To be honest. It is painful. It hurts. It makes me cry-for myself because I don't know what to do, and for my son because I don't know what awaits him. I try to remember to mention in my prayers all the little boys whose parents don't understand them.

But in order to break into the autism blog ratings, I've got to put a pretty bow on this shit. That's another thing top bloggers don't do, they don't swear alot.

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