They go for about 500 bucks, though, so wow, yeah.
Last night at my son's Youg Athletes practice they had a few and for the first time after countless efforts, he actually pedaled! Now he didn't go roaring off and take a few laps and pass Lance Armstrong, which is what my co-bloggers kids probabaly did, but he did pedal and slowly make his way over a few obstacles he was not supposed to run over. I was proud of him. He seemed to lose interest here and there and would stop pedaling but then he would resume and slowly pedal away again.
There is better balance on the Winther bike and the pedals move themselves and yr kid justneeds to keep his feet on, then eventually manipulate the pedals themselves and presto, he's riding a bike
By the way, for those not in the know, Young Athletes is the Special Olympics training camp for 2-7 year olds. Because Special Olympics starts at age 8.
Now, I am proud to say thatIan is a strong, fast, coordinated boy. So much so, that I attempted to get him to play soccer. I maybe jumped the gun with that one because self-directed andco pliant are a few things he still needs to work on. So, while the other kids were doing drills kicking the ball down the field (wow, are those other 4-year-olds?), Ian was spinning around in circles in the field. Anddon't askabout gameday,thenoise, the excitement. He threw a fit, did not wantto be there at all.
But now, thanks to Young Athletes he is learning to throw and kick and jump on cue. He's getting there.