Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ugh, I can't stand those people

You know what I really hate about where I work? The superior attitude of the ivy-league grads towards everyone else in our organization. They are seriously deluded. I mean, there are a few who are cool peeps, who I consider friends, but they are exceptions and they know they are the exceptions of their peer group, too. I was thinking of a good way to describe them. I came up with socially inept, deluded, and possessing a superiority complex--although I am not licensed to give that diagnosis.

I keep coming back to deluded because they are in positions where people are forced to work for them. But they think that they are better human beings for being in their position at work and only socially circulate amongst each other. I think if the people who work for them were given an option, they would opt out 98% of the time. I also think if most of the people who work for you want to kill you, then you're not a good boss. But I've been watching and what they do is schmooze over the boss so effectively that they can shit down everybody else's throats. They look down on everybody but don't put any effort into really knowing anybody before judging them on any other criteria besides where did they graduate from. It's like if you didn't graduate from their school, you're not worth their time.

What I mean by socially inept is to leave 'em alone at a night-out or a company picnic, OMG. They completely don't know how to interact with anybody else. They become all stiff and mono-syllabic(is that the word?). Or they can't process jokes. It's weird. Uncomfortable.

Now, that I am quitting that place, I am ashamed to admit that I now realize I let a little of that superiority complex rub off on me, too, while I was there.

Now, I am getting back to the place I was in before, when I was a big city yankee girl with blue-collar roots and if you couldn't physically back-up your traffic complaint you have to button your lip b/c some road rage situations actually lead to real fights. Not that I ever got into one of those, but I didn't feel superior to every driver on the road because of how I looked on paper. You can't piss all over people and then pull out your resume to win an argument, is what I'm getting at.

But my husband still possesses that frustrating holier-than-thou attitude. He has been letting his work persona rub off here and pulling his shitty attitude around the house and we have been fighting over it big time. I am seriously fed up and about 98% convinced I'm moving out here in a few months. I have some interviews lined up for April, so we are just going to see where this goes. I am not shutting any doors, even if it means I move to a different city.

Let me give an example. We are watching a movie and this sloppy, old, drunk mom comes home and her sons are looking at her all full of shame and sadness. My husband pipes up, 'that's gonna be you two months after you quit your job.' You know that led to a fight. He says he was joking, but I think there was truth to it. Now, that I am outside of that organization he is getting that workplace attitude towards me. But I'm not going to stand for it b/c I can leave and make a stand for myself, unlike the poor souls who work for there.

Time we all woke up to the real world and realized if someone can hurt you physically or emotionally, then you better tread lightly with them--it doesn't matter where you graduated from.

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