Thursday, July 15, 2010

Destiny Thief

I have this theory. I have this theory that is completely fanciful, but the older I get and the more experiences Ihave, the more I think there may be more to it...

I first noticed it in my mid-20s. I realized my good friend had found herself a sweetheart and settled down while I was single and working. Hers was the fate I had wanted, and mine was the future she envisioned for herself years before. How did this happen? Were we on track to fulfill our destinies, crossed paths with one another, and left each other's company with destinies switched?

Had she stolen my destiny?

Had I stolen hers?

Was destiny really a tangible thing? And would it be so fluid and uncertain in your aura that the slightest aura-mingling could send it off course? Perhaps. Perhaps you will believe more with my next examples. Follow me another year down the road.

I was moved into another position within the company I worked for. It would be a more difficult position and I would have to prove myself. Love those work speeches they give you to make you take harder jobs, huh? Anyway, in order for me to take this position, they had to move another girl they had promised it to out. Don't get me wrong, she had a much nicer location than I did, so nobody was getting salted here. Well, wouldn't you know this other girl gets into serious trouble and basically fired over this embarrassing incident mixing alchohol and work. The funny thing is, I had done the same types of things, but never been caught at it. And she was in the job, I should have had. While I was in the job that was supposed to be hers. Meanwhile, she leaves the company (which is what I wanted to do) and I am up in her spot at work. Stole her destiny, too.

Things are starting to add up here.

It happens a few other times since, but those were really small potatoes and not worthy of mention.

But now I see it happening again. You know tomorrow is supposed to be my big day. This is supposed to be my month. This is supposed to be the month I cashed in my chips and settled down to the SAHM lifestyle. And, AGAIN, (this is starting to get eerie) I am a victim of circumstance and wind up having to stick it out working for a year longer. While, a co-worker of mine, someone who would gladly stick around work, is being forced out of employment. Why are they making that person leave and me stay? Oh, the fates are cruel. From this perspective anyway.

I want to apologize. To all the people whose destiny I have stolen. Whether we had a conversation, passed each other in a hall, shared a dance, heck-shared a pizza, and after that choice cosmic meeting I departed with your destiny. To all of you I am sorry. I did not mean to do it. I had no intention of taking this long and winding road.

If I could find some way to put a cap on it, I would. If only I could stop my destiny from escaping me and attaching to another soul, pushing their destiny out and onto me.

I wonder if I am the only one who has had this idea. I wonder if it's not part of some archaic belief somewhere...Hmmm...I'm gonna google it.

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