I recently learned a friend of mine is having another baby. I just had a feeling of doom when I learned that. Why would anyone want to have a baby when the chances of it being autistic are 1 in 68? I guess if nothing bad has ever happened to you then you figure nothing bad ever will, so you continue to have children. I wonder what her child rearing experience has been like compared to mine. She probably never regards her children with grief and weeps at the sight of them. So, if you never experienced parenthood as a tragedy then you may look forward to having children.
That's the thing. My life is a tragedy. The way my son is, is not a gift, it's a tragedy that struck him and robbed him of a normal childhood, heck it robbed his life. I don't care what those quacks on other blogs try to tell you. Autism is not a wonderful thing. I know I blog about how loving your kid is the bottom line and it is. I do love my son. But I grieve for him also. That's why I could never imagine having another kid.
Things to do! Gotta run, would love to write more on this.
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